Here is a Map of Gion Matsuri Kyoto Japan.
You will need it when you go around Kyoto during Gion Masturi.
Streets name are in English.
Resource Map (Japanese)
What is Gion Matsuri?
Where is Japan?
Where is Kyoto in Japan?
A little icon spread out on the map is the place where you can see “Hoko” and “Yama.”
What is “Hoko”
“Hoko” literally means spear. In Gion Matsuri, it refers to a big decorated spear. It has wheals at the bottom and goes around Kyoto on Yoiyama.
What is Yoiyama?
Yoiyama is the climax of Gion Matsuri. Hoko and Yama goes around Kyoto. Yoiyama this year will be 14 to 17 of July 2009.
What is “Yama”
Similar to “Hoko.” Literally means mountain, but in Gion Matsuri, it refers to a decorative wagon.
Decoration of Hoko and Yama is tradidionally passed downed. I’ve never seen one but it is said that some of the decoration has picture of pyramid and camel.
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