
Looking for blank map of Japan? Map of Japan

Complete blank map of Japan

This is the outline of Japan. May be good resource for teachers.

Complete blank map of Japan with borderline of Prefectures

What is Prefecture?

Prefecture is an area of local govermet in Japan

How many Prefectures in Japan?
47 Prefecture

Map of Japan with the names of the Prefecture

How do you say prefecture in Japanese?
There are 4 differnt words for Prefecture.1. To (都) 2. Dou(道) 3. Fu(府) 4. Ken(県) Only Tokyo can use To. Only Hollaidou can use Dou. (already in the name) Osaka and Kyoto can use Fu. Other prefecture is Ken.

Map of 3 big cities in Japan

1.Tokyo 2.Osaka 3.NAgoya

Map of 5 big cities in Japan

1.Tokyo 2.Osaka 3.NAgoya 4.Sapporo 5.Fukuoka

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