Can you say all the 47 prefectures of Japan?
This website has a map of 47 prefectures of Japan in English.
Prefecture is like a State in USA.
I think it is hard to memorize all of them but maybe it is good to know Tokyo and surrounding prefecture and Osaka and it's surrounding prefecture.
I can't say all the states in USA but I know where big cities are and witch states they are in.
How ever I can't say the name of states that surrounds the state with big cites.
Still I think it is good to know the name of the surrounding prefecture, because unlike USA, crossing border of prefecture is easy.
Prefecture in japan is probably much smaller compared to states in USA. So if you use a railway, you can Cross the border really easily.
So why don't you input the name prefecture that surrounds big cities in Japan, with this map of japan with the name of 47 prefecture in English.
It will come in handy when you travel japan.
Map of the prefectures of Japan in ISO