Hiroshima is a place where attacked by atomic bomb. This is the biggest notion of Hiroshima. I think it is a place where a lot of people visited on school trip to learn about the tragedy of war. I went their on school trip on my third year of my junior high. I went to Horoshima Peace Memorial Museum, Peace Park and Atomic Bomb Dome. In Peace Park we give paper crane offering.
Hiroshima is also known for Hirosima Yaki. You must eat when you go to Hirosima. Also Oyster is famous.
One of the 3 most beautiful view in Japan is Miyajima in Hirosima. Rice scooper lucky charm is famous.
For souvenir, you should get Momiji Manju. It’s like THE souvenir of Hiroshima. It is the most typical souvenir of Hiroshima, but it’s probably the best.
Useful links of Hiroshima with English pages
1. Official Site of Hiroshima Prefecture Government
2. Hiroshima Tourist Navigator BEST SITE
-Map of Hiroshima pdf
3. Hiroshima Navigator
-Accesss Map to Hiroshima
4. japan_guide.com Hiroshima
5. Hiroshima wikipedia