
Saw Japanese Traditional fishing? Map of Japan-Kyoto

Ukai Event will start today, (12th of June) in Kyoto Japan.

What is Ukai?
Ukai is a Japanese traditional fishing method by using bird called U. The fisher man ties rope around birds throat, and releases the bird to swim around and eat fish. When the bird swallows fish, the fisherman make the bird come back to the boat, then chokes the bird by pulling the rope and gets the fish.

This way of fishing is not common today. It is an old traditional method of fishing. There are several places where still uses this method. The most famous one is the one at Nagara river in Gifu. Ukai at Ujigawa Kyoto is also famous.

Ukai at Ujigawa Kyoto starts from today (12th of June) till 27th of September.
Boat Fee for Adult 1900 Yen (approx. 20 USD)
Boat Fee for Children under twelve 900 Yen (approx. 10 USD)

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Where is Japan?
Where is Kyoto in Japan?

Resource and Useful Links
Ukai at Ujigawa
Ukai Wikipedia Japanese
Ukai Wikipedia English
Uji City Touris Association